Future Active Safety Technology Towards zero traffic accidents (FAST-zero)

SAFER - Autmotive Safety Center at Chalmers Universität IFAC, IEEE ITSC Symposium on
When Sep 09, 2015 01:55 PM Sep 11, 2015 01:55 PM to
Where Gothenburg, SWEDEN
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FAST-zero 2015 will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden. After two successful events in Japan, FAST-zero’11 in Tokyo, and FAST-zero’13 in Nagoya, the symposium will be held outside Japan for the first time. Sweden is a natural choice for a FAST-zero symposium since the Swedish parliament was the first to announce a Vision Zero policy. The main idea is simple: No loss of life in traffic is acceptable. But the approach is innovative; since humans make mistakes, instead of making the driver responsible, vehicles and traffic system solutions must be designed so that accidents are avoided.

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