Conference Application


IFAC Affiliates, with the support of their NMO, can apply to organize IFAC conferences or to obtain IFAC co-sponsorship. IFAC guarantees a label of quality and provides services. Meanwhile, conference organizers are expected to fulfill some requirements. Before applying to host an IFAC sponsored or co-sponsored conference, Affiliates are invited to read the Organizer Guide.

Read the Organizer Guide


Starting from April 8, 2024 the Applications are submitted in the Affiliates Portal.

  • The Organizer (expected to be done by the organizing committee chair) logs to the Affiliates Portal and selects Conferences > My Applications.

  • The application contains 9 steps. At any stage the Affiliate can save the data and get back to the Application form later. The steps are

    1. Sponsoring: is IFAC the main sponsor? Which Technical committees are concerned? It is recommended that the organizer contacts the TC Chair of the main sponsoring TC prior to apply. It is also recommended to select a limited number of co-sponsoring TCs. Except for the World Congress, IFAC conferences are focused.

    2. Identification: Name of the conference, location, dates. Please note that we have strict event naming rules. Check the organizers guide: type + long name + serial number + short name

    3. Scope: Free text to motivate the conference topics, and for conferences in a series, the improvements planned in comparison to previous events. This text will be useful to conference organizers for advertising their event.

    4. Committees: The organizer lists the people that will be involved both in the local organization and those who will take part of the International Program Committee. The organizers are requested to enter valid emails of the concerned people. Ideally these emails should correspond to exiting IFAC Affiliates. In case of unknown emails, upon submission of the application, the people shall receive invitations to become IFAC Affiliates. IPC members are expected to be IFAC Affiliates and to be members of the sponsoring TCs.

    5. Fees: IFAC aims at keeping the registration fees moderate to allow a maximal participation from all origins. The Organizer shall propose registrations fees and motivate these with a draft budget.

    6. Venue: Information about the conference venue facilities.

    7. Communication: Information about the plans to advertise the conference and attract attendees. Choice of using or not the free IFAC services such as the Web hosting and the Conference App.

    8. Participation: Information about participation in terms of Industry and diversity and inclusion.

    9. Submission: The submission is validated by the NMO IFAC representative for the Country/Region where the conference is held.

  • The portal is later, when the conference is approved, used to update data (in case of changes for example in the list of IPC members). Hopefully these changes are minor, and will need validation by the Conference Board liaison person attributed to your conference. The portal allows as well the organizers to fill their final report which may be distributed in the IFAC Newsletter and useful for future conference organizers. The report is archived together with a final evaluation of the conference by the CB liaison person.

Proceed to the Conference Application form