Areas (static)

IFAC's Technical Committees (TCs) are responsible for the technical areas covered by IFAC, which are specialized topics in control engineering. The technical areas are placed into nine groups, called Coordinating Committees (CCs) where each technical area within a CC coincides with a TC. The scope of each technical area can be viewed here.

The tasks of the CCs and TCs include promoting interest in emerging control subfields, assuming responsibility for technical meetings (or for series of such), providing for cooperation among specialists of their particular field, establishing contacts with other international organizations, publication of reports on selected topics, etc.

The CCs, the list of technical areas, the number of the respective TC and the Chair of the committee responsible for the activities are shown below. Each TC has its own mini-website where a complete list of members, news and event details relevant to the TC can be found.

CC 1 - Systems and Signals

Hakan Hjalmarsson

TC 1.1. Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing                    Marco Campi
TC 1.2. Adaptive and Learning Systems Fouad Giri
TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems Yorai Wardi
TC 1.4. Stochastic Systems Subrakanti Dey
TC 1.5. Networked Systems Hideaki Ishii

CC 2 - Design Methods

Alessandro Astolfi

TC 2.1. Control Design Laura Menini
TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems Giuseppe Conte
TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems Lorenzo Marconi
TC 2.4. Optimal Control Stefan Pickl
TC 2.5. Robust Control Fabrizio Dabbene
TC 2.6. Distributed Parameter Systems Thomas Meurer

CC 3 - Computers, Cognition and Communication

Klaus Schilling

TC 3.1. Computers for Control Marga Marcos
TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control Thierry Marie Guerra
TC 3.3. Telematics: Control via Communication Networks Ulrich Jumar

CC 4 - Mechatronics, Robotics and Components

Klaus Janschek

TC 4.1. Components and Technologies for Control Ioan Dumitrache
TC 4.2. Mechatronic Systems Reza Moheimani
TC 4.3. Robotics Peter Korondi
TC 4.5. Human Machine Systems Frederic Vanderhaegen

CC 5 - Manufacturing and Logistics Systems

Herve Panetto

TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
TC 5.2. Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control Alexandre Dolgui
TC 5.3. Enterprise Integration and Networking Lawrence Whitman
TC 5.4. Large Scale Complex Systems Xiaofan Wang

CC 6 - Process and Power Systems

Luis Bergh

TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control Jay H. Lee
TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing Andreas Kugi
TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems Kwang Y. Lee
TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS Thomas Parisini

CC 7 - Transportation and Vehicle Systems

Hajime Asama

TC 7.1. Automotive Control Lars Eriksson
TC 7.2. Marine Systems Pere Ridao Rodriquez
TC 7.3. Aerospace Shinichi Nakasuka
TC 7.4. Transportation Systems Bart De Schutter
TC 7.5. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Ljubisa B. Vlacic

CC 8 - Bio- and Ecological Systems

Jaime Alberto Moreno Perez

TC 8.1. Control in Agriculture Arto Visala
TC 8.2. Biological and Medical Systems J. Geoffrey Chase
TC 8.3. Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems Ronald van Nooijen
TC 8.4. Biosystems and Bioprocesses Ravi Gudi

CC 9 - Social Systems

Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue

TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems C.L. Philip Chen
TC 9.2. Social Impact of Automation Wilfrid Perruquetti
TC 9.4. Control Education Sebastian Dormido
TC 9.5. Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS) Lawrence (Larry) Stapleton