Feedback control is everywhere in our lives.
Since its establishment in 1957, the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) has made significant contributions to scientific developments for the benefit of humanity. IFAC has not only served as an exciting forum for technical discussions but has also provided a platform for researchers from all over the world to collaborate and share their ideas. One of the most rewarding aspects of participating in IFAC is the opportunity to forge friendships with diverse individuals from around the world.
IFAC's areas of interest encompass all aspects of control, ranging from: Systems and Signals; Design Methods; Computers, Cognition and Communication; Mechatronics, Robotics and Components; Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Enterprises; Process and Power Systems; Transportation and Vehicle Systems; Bio- and Ecological Systems; to Social Systems.
While IFAC's official members consist of National Member Organizations representing countries or regions, individuals have the opportunity to become "affiliates", entitling them to benefit from all of IFAC's services.
IFAC provides diverse individuals with opportunities to actively participate in all of its vibrant activities. Promoting solidarity and cooperation to address societal issues and to enrich global society is essential. My goal is to enhance IFAC's cooperative platform during the next three years to further strengthen these principles.
I extend a warm welcome to all of you to join IFAC and its activities.
Dongil “Dan” Cho
IFAC President 2023-2026