August 2018 From the IFAC President

The world's first control orchestra at IFAC 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I  am  regularly  surprised  and  impressed  to
discover  the  diverse  talents  of  the  many  re-
searchers  and  engineers  beyond  their  deep
knowledge in the systems and control field. Did
you know, for example, that Bob Bitmead, the
Editor in Chief of the IFAC Journal of Systems
and Control, is a passionate player of Austral-
ian  Football?  Or  did  you  suspect  that  former
IFAC president Ian Craig performs in concerts
as a cellist? I am very excited to bring some of
those talents on stage at the IFAC 2020 World
Congress. But I am not talking about Australian
Rules Football or about kickboxing, sorry Bob. I
am talking about initiating the world’s first con-
trol orchestra* ) .

How  can  this  possibly  work?  The  idea  is  to
bring  together  passionate  musicians  among
the  World  Congress  participants,  practice  on
site during the IFAC World Congress and then
perform live for all the Congress attendees. For
this unique event, we are looking for interested
researchers  in  the  field  of  automatic  control
with  some  previous  musical  experience.  So,
if Mozart, pianissimo or musical scale rings a
bell, or you’re simply curious about this world’s
first control orchestra, then sign up to receive
further  information  over  the  next  months  and
stay ‘tuned’ with no strings attached via https://
and stay ‘tuned’ with
no strings attached!

As  you  can  see  from  this  control  orchestra
plans, the preparations for the next World Con-
gress are already well on their way for this main
IFAC event taking place July 12 to 17, 2020 in
Berlin, Germany. The conference venue and the
location for the conference banquet (real Berlin
style)  have  already  been  arranged  and  plans
for the technical program with various special
submissions have been established. There will
be oral, interactive, and demonstrator contribu-
tions as well as video submission, to say the
least. Even the submission deadline is already
fixed:  Draft  Manuscript  Submission  Deadline
is  October  31st,  2019.  If  you’re  interested  in
the first Call for Papers, how the preparations
for the World Congress are progressing, what
other  interesting  and  creative  non-scientific
program elements will be introduced or simply
forgot which date to block in your calendar, you
can  always  visit  to
stay up-to-date.

With all the preparations going well, I am con-
fident that the Berlin World Congress will be a
memorable event and I am looking forward to
welcoming you in 2020 to Germany’s exciting
capital  city  already  now.  Berlin  is  unique  and
very different to many other European capital
cities. Some say that the best part of Berlin is
that it is not perfect but ever-changing, bursting
with  culture,  history,  creativity  and  unconven-
tional solutions.

So, I encourage you to study the Call for Pa-
pers,  think  about  interesting  research  to  pre-
sent and, possibly, dust off your instruments! In
the name of the whole organizing team I want
to wholeheartedly invite you to the IFAC 2020
World  Congress  and  I  think  we  can  all  look
forward to this congress of high scientific level
with  many  special  program  elements,  on  and
off topic.

Best wishes from Stuttgart
Frank Allgöwer

* ) at least as far as we know. Otherwise, we will simply try to be the biggest, or the best 😊
